The One Iron Golf Club

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Professional golfer Lee Trevino once said not even God could hit a one-iron. This was just before Trevino was struck by lightning. He survived. And, he may be right, God might not be able to hit a one iron, though He certainly proved He could hit Lee Trevino.


A one iron is, for the most part, a useless club. It is the longest of the irons and the hardest to hit, or be consistent with. For the average golfer, or even the majority of professional golfers, a one iron simply isn’t needed and just takes up room in the all important golf bag.


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In most instances where a golfer might choose to hit a one iron, a better choice would be to use a wood instead. For example, say a golfer’s drive went two hundred and fifty yards on a par 4 hole, leaving him or her another two hundred and fifty yards away. Yes, a one iron could conceivably be used to hit a ball that far, but because it is so difficult to hit and control, the golfer would be better off grabbing his or her three wood out of the bag. The three wood is a good field wood and, depending on the golfer’s strength, can easily be used to get the ball on the green in regulation play. The wood is easier to hit and control than the one iron, and would be the more logical club selection in this instance.


This is not to say a one iron is good for nothing. In fact, the one iron is an excellent club to use to try and retrieve a ball lost out of bounds in high weeds. The one iron can be used to beat a snake should one slither onto the course. Now, a snake on the course would likely have a negative effect on the golfer, and a smart golfer would simply let the snake continue slithering on its way.


But, golf is a frustrating game, and sometimes a golfer just has to hit something. In this case, a snake would do, especially if the golfer is having a bad round and nothing is going right. However, the golfer should remember, when having a bad round, it may not be the best idea to take out his or her frustration on a snake. One miss could result in getting bit.


Or, if a golfer sprained a knee or ankle, which is highly possible, then the one iron could be used as a cane, allowing the golfer to limp back to the clubhouse or the 19th hole for a little refreshment.


Then again, those times when nothing is going right and a golfer just has to wrap a club around a tree to work out his or her frustration – the one iron is the perfect choice. After all, it is a club that is hard to hit and primarily takes up space in the golf bag. So why not wrap it around a tree.


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